
Fire Department Visit

A few days ago the fire department visited Allen Brook School.
They talked about our safety if you have a fire in your house!

One fireman dressed up in the suit he has to wear when they come and save you.

Then they said that you don’t stop, drop, and roll you stop, drop, cover your face, and roll!!!!

By: Megan


Anonymous said...

Firemen have an extremely important job. Glad they could pass along their safety tips! I hope everyone in your class has a fire extinguisher in their home.

Anonymous said...

Wow! It must have been nice to have the fire department come and you must have learned some helpful tips! Did you learn the tip that if you think that there is a fire outside your room and the door is closed and you want to see if it is ok to open the door you feel the door handle with the back of your hand because if you feel it with the front of your hand you will want to grab the door handle! It must have been fun to see real fire fighters.
From Kaitlyn